Ever Tried Drinking This Water?

picture of lucas

January 20, 2020

THIS IS HYDROGEN WATER. Hydrogen water is regular water with hydrogen gas added to the water. I’m sure many of you have heard of Curcumin?⁣ Well, Curcumin is a potent anti-oxidant, by virtue of activating the NrF2 pathway (Mishra et al., 2019). This regulates levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase — the body’s strongest anti-oxidant defence systems. Research suggests hydrogen water does the same thing. ⁣

Key Facts

✅Reduces insulin resistance (1).⁣
✅Fights Metabolic syndrome (2).⁣
✅ Reduces High fats in the blood (3).⁣
✅ Reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (4).⁣
✅ Supportive against Parkinson’s disease (4).⁣
✅ Reduces Mitochondrial dysfunction (5).⁣
✅ Improves exercise performance + athletic recovery time (6).⁣
✅ Accelerates Wound healing (7).⁣
✅ Improvements to blood flow (8).⁣
(References available on request).⁣

The consumption of Hydrogen Water improves the diversity and abundance of the gut flora in athletes. It has also been has shown to have protective effects on the imbalance of intestinal microbiota, reducing excess Short Chain Fatty Acid production (Sha et al., 2018). ⁣

Hydrogen Water flew under my radar many years ago as I originally assumed it was a complete scam. However, the science speaks for itself. Hydrogen water comes in tablet form, which can be dissolved into your filtered water.



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